主耶穌愛你、Jesus Love You

About us


Christian Evangelical Church of Chinese Ministry CIC









2009年3月1 日,鄔小鶴牧師離任中國福音事工促進會,開辧國際天糧事工。繼續在中國福音及宣教事工上努力,基督教中福教會也已獨立,並且由鄔牧師繼續擔任該教會的主席及主任牧師。基督教中福教會在2013年成立中福團隊,並在深圳市福田區成為福音工作地點,並在溫洲平陽鎮一間教會設立培訓點,也是中福團隊的福音工作點。後來,習近平迫害教會時,我們將主福音工作放在香港。

2013年基督教中 福教會舉行多場佈道會,分別在旺角球場和天水圍社區中心。兩場聚會有數千人參加。另外,我們也舉辦多個教牧培訓營在香港多個營地舉行,這些傳道人主要來自中國家庭教會,也有部份三自教會的傳道人,我們為他培訓,他們太多數已接過三年以上的培訓及有多年牧養的經驗,我們為他們按立牧師,因為中國教會牧者實在太少。在中國教會入工的人,實在太少,需要垃訓。


中共對中國教會迫害, 最新從2013年開始在浙江溫州強拆十字架及教堂,後來伸展到全國各地,重災區是浙江及河南,共有二萬多所教堂及十字架被強拆,弟兄姊妹為保護教堂及十字架,被中共公安毆打及威嚇,有許多牧師被關進監獄,包括顧約瑟牧師、黃榏梓牧師、包國華牧師、李軍才牧師、王怡牧師、張少傑牧師、曹三強牧師、胡石根長老、張崇助牧師.....等數百位牧師及長老,被關進監獄。雖然其數位牧師,經過關押出獄,但他們心靈也受傷。





Rev. Philip Woo was born in Shanghai on July 8, 1953. He lived in Shanghai for eight years and moved to Hong Kong with his mother. Educated and grown up in Hong Kong. After her mother came to Hong Kong, she believed in the Lord and joined the Kwun Tong Lutheran Church. Later, my father also came to Hong Kong. He fell ill and died shortly after arriving in Hong Kong. However, he believed in the Lord during his illness and joined the Methodist Church of God's Love. He passed away soon after. Later the mother also died. They were the first believers in my family. I am a second generation Christian. I have believed in the Lord for 55 years this year.

Due to the death of our parents, there were only five brothers and sisters living in our family. In the end, they all got married and started a family, leaving only Pastor Wu to work hard. After graduating from middle school and working in a church organization for a year, he started his own business and established Asther Advertising and Design Company. He has been engaged in the advertising industry for about ten years. After being called by the Lord while sick, he put down his business, devoted himself to serving, and went to Hong Kong Lutheran Theological Seminary to study theology. Graduate after four years of full-time theology courses.

In 1989, he and Dong Tian Ming, a student of Mr. Wang Ming Dao, co-founded the "The Association of Chinese Ministry", and implement Chinese missionary ministry and Discipline Chinese believers. Assisting house church missionary work in Dongguan. Later, together with Pastor Chen Xuanming and Mr. Dong Tian Ming, we assisted Pastor Yao Zengyi to reopen the Hunan Bible School. "The Association of Chinese Ministry" broke through the regulations of the CCP’s religious regulations in disaster relief work, and carried out work in Lijiang, Yunnan.

In Yunnan, it was arranged by a local house church to go to Lijiang to spread the gospel to the people in the name of disaster relief and to establish Lijiang Xiguan Primary School. . And bring the Lijiang Naxi people to Jesus again. The local village head and villagers carried out evangelistic work in the school and led them to the Lord, where they were baptized. In just two years, we rebuilt the church in Lijiang, brought a nation that had lost the Gospel, the Naxi people back to the embrace of Christ, and made the Naxi people get rid of the unreached people.

The revival of the Gospel in Taiwan should have been the magnitude 7 earthquake on September 21, 1999. We have also participated in the revival of the Gospel for all Taiwanese. Before the disaster, there were less than 2% of Christians in Taiwan. More than ten percent of Christians, most importantly, bear witness to Jesus in a tribulation. During the earthquake in Taiwan, we sent our entire team, including missionaries and pastors from the Philippines, to participate in this holy work and traveled to one-third of Taiwan for disaster relief and evangelism. We cooperated with the Taiwan Presbyterian Church and the Lutheran Church. This earthquake has increased the number of church believers in Taiwan to 10% today.

Evangelism broke out in mainland China, and it also broke out in Muslim countries in Southeast Asia. "The Association of Chinese Ministry" has participated. Rev.Philip Woo and his team are actively involved in this evangelism. Since the content is too long, you can refer to the upcoming book of Rev.Philip Woo in the future. The book "Mission in the Wind and Rain" will introduce in detail Pastor Wu Xiaohe's lifelong ministry. In 2003, the Chin "The Association of Chinese Ministry" changed the name of the Chinese Missionary Church to the Christian Church of Chinese Ministry The name was changed to "Christian Church of Chinese Ministry " by the "United Nations Refuger Committe" because we had assisted believers who were persecuted for the Chinese church at that time, and assisted them. Political asylum requires us to change the name of the church. At the same time, we also stipulate the principles and teachings of the church.Christian Church of Chinese Ministry was officially registered as a society in Hong Kong in 2008, and registered as a charity in 2009.

On March 1, 2009, Rev. Philip Woo resigned from The Association of Chinese Ministryand started the International Tin lang Ministry. Continuing to work hard on the Gospel and missionary work in China, the Christian Church of Chiness Ministry has also become independent, and Rev. Woo continues to serve as the chairman and senior pastor of the church. The Christian Church of Chinese Ministry established the CM Team in 2013, and it became the evangelistic work site in Futian District, Shenzhen, and set up a training site in a church in Pingyang Town, Wenzhou, which is also the evangelical work site of the CM Team. Later, when Xi Jinping persecuted the church, we put the Lord’s gospel work in Hong Kong.

In 2013,  Christian Church of Chinese Ministry held several evangelistic meetings, respectively at the Mong Kok Stadium and the Tin Shui Wai Community Center. Thousands of people attended both parties. In addition, we have also held several pastoral training camps in many camps in Hong Kong. These evangelists are mainly from Chinese house churches, and there are also some evangelists from the Three-Self Church. We have trained them, and most of them have taken over for three years. With the above training and years of pastoral experience, we ordained pastors for them, because there are too few pastors in Chinese churches. There are too few people working in Chinese churches, and they need to be trained.

From 2013 to 2017, we ordained about 100 pastors and 30 elders and missionaries. At the same time, we also set up evangelistic work in Shenzhen, setting up house churches in Zhuzilin and Futian respectively, which also attracted the attention of the China Religious Affairs Bureau, the Public Security Bureau and the streets. After three years, he was suppressed by the CCP. In 2015, I was interviewed by the CCP’s Religious Affairs Bureau and Public Security Bureau for an hour and a half.

This incident became a worldwide sensation and became one of the top ten Chinese religious persecution figures in the world in 2015. This is the news announced by the US government. The CCP’s persecution of churches in China started with the demolition of crosses and churches in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province in 2013, and later spread to all parts of the country. The hardest hit areas are Zhejiang and Henan. A total of more than 20,000 churches and crosses were demolished. Brothers and sisters protect churches and crosses , beaten and intimidated by the CCP police, many pastors were imprisoned, including Pastor Gu Yuser, Pastor Huang Yuzi, Pastor Bao Guohua, Pastor Li Juncai, Pastor Wang Yi, Pastor Zhang Shaojie, Pastor Cao Sanqiang, Elder Hu Shigen, Pastor Zhang Chongzhu. ...and hundreds of pastors and elders were imprisoned. Although several pastors were detained and released from prison, their hearts were also wounded. Xi Jinping's "Sinicization of Christianity" has led to greater persecution of many churches.

The CCP and the Religious Affairs Bureau control the churches, and forcibly slandered the altar of the church, and put Xi Jinping's photo on the altar. It also forces believers to withdraw from Christianity, restricts the employment of believers, and forcibly stops church gatherings and activities. Anti-Christian campaigns such as rewriting the Bible. In addition, the compulsory confiscation and restriction of the church’s donation income, and the establishment of party branches in the church, etc., the Chinese church began to stop the church from 2019. The CCP completely stopped religious activities and so on. Until now,

Chinese churches have slowly started gathering, but not comprehensively. Some believers insist on religious activities. In the past five years, Chinese churches have completely stopped religious activities, as in the early days of the Cultural Revolution, and people's lives have also completely stopped functioning. Especially the three-year lockdown of the epidemic, it is like China has become a hell, and the people have completely lost their freedom of movement.

From 2017 to 2021, we reopened Christian Zhongfu Church in Mong Kok and started gathering again. However, the CCP continues to threaten us and has not diminished. We hold a prayer meeting at the gate of the Liaison Office for the persecution of the Chinese church. We hold this event once or twice a month.

The anti-extradition movement broke out in 2019. Many churches in Hong Kong participated in the anti-extradition movement, and established the support and participation of Hong Kong church pastors for the anti-extradition movement. Hong Kong Christians participated in this movement by singing hymns and praying , marches and rallies to support the movement. Our church is also actively participating in it, because we know that participating in this anti-extradition movement is based on God’s justice and love, and it is the responsibility of Christians to lodge a complaint against the unjust regime and respond to God and the people of Hong Kong. . In 2021, we were forced to leave Hong Kong and live in exile in the UK, but we still have the belief in the recovery of Hong Kong and continue to unite the confidence of Hong Kong people in the UK so that Hong Kong can be free one day. Christian Church of Chinese Ministry has decided to change its name to Christian Evangelical Church of Chinese Ministry in the UK. We will continue to promote the revival of the church in the UK. This is because we see that the churches in the UK and Europe are now very desolate, so we must continue to pray for the revival of the church in the UK and Europe .

We hope that Britain will continue to be revived and continue to send missionaries. Britain used to be a missionary country, but today it has become a desolate area of the Gospel. At the same time, the power of Islam is increasing. God will still make England a missionary nation. The Christian Evangelical Church of Chinese Ministry continues to establish churches in the UK, Preaching the revival of the gospel, promotes the revival of the church, seeks the lost believer, and restores the glory of God. We will build churches to care for the Chinese and Hong Kong people in the UK. Pastor them and train them to be missionaries. May God lead the work of the Christian Evangelical Church of Chinese Church.

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Our belief


Our team

Rev. Philip Woo
Senior Pastor

Rev. Hannah Chan

As our savior, and willing to follow Jesus, serve his life, and commit himself to God.

For more information about our beliefs, vision, and mission, please read the details on the page of beliefs and vision

Dr. Jazzua Leung
Sacred Music

Wiston Ho
Secretary and Admin

Matthew Cui

David Tam
Community Social Worker

We’re at the service.