主耶穌愛你、Jesus Love You



來到英國,看見英國教會荒涼,神讓我們看到這個異象,我們來到英國,要重建英國教會,復興英國教會,重新去推動福音工作,這就是我們來英國的使命。求主引領我們這位軟弱的僕人,繼續在宣教的前線打一場美好的仗! 主僕:鄔小鶴牧師
I thank the Lord, since I was called by God, I have been on the mission field for 33 years. Missionaries are at the forefront of the field. We have traveled in China for almost 25 years, and went to a country with the Iron Curtain to preach. A minority returned to the face of Jesus. Established the first church in Shaoshan, Mao Zedong's hometown, and preached in the square. At the same time, we trained 125 holy workers to become pastors. Established the work of Hunan Theological Seminary.
Today when we came to the UK, British MPs described us as refugees. In fact, we did not apply for a refugee card. We came to live in the UK with a British overseas passport. But we are also missionaries on the front lines.
When we came to the UK, we saw the desolation of the British church. God let us see this vision. We came to the UK to rebuild the British church, revive the British church, and re-promote the work of the gospel. This is our mission in the UK. May the Lord lead our weak servant to continue to fight a good fight on the front line of mission! Master and Servant: Rev. Philip Woo